What. A. Year. It’s felt like the longest ever; and yet I can’t believe it’s almost at an end. It’s quite difficult not to look back on 2020 with a mostly negative perspective. Many people (myself included!) have endured unprecedented difficulty this year, however, I’m sure I’m not the only one who can see the positives. Here are just a few I’ve thought of to be grateful for:
· Being forced to slow down:
We’ve all had time this year which was previously filled with something that didn’t and couldn’t happen due to the restrictions. That time, I know for many, has been used to reflect, prioritise things that really matter, be in nature, enjoy quiet moments and take a step back from the hectic, busy, rushed day-to-day way.
· Our health:
This year, the global consciousness has been focussed on preservation of life and how to stay healthy. Maybe we didn’t pay enough attention to our health in previous years. Maybe this year has shed light on the importance of good nutrition, exercise, rest, hydration and quietening the mind.
· Where we are:
Isn’t Devon incredible? People come from far and wide to holiday here and yet we’re lucky enough to live in this beautiful county. It’s not nice being restricted, but I couldn’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.
· Local business:
I don’t think anyone is going to take our local independent businesses for granted anymore. They supported us when we needed it most, so we need to keep supporting them; let’s keep and strengthen the wonderful diversity we have on our doorstep!
· Human connection:
Loving intention has enormous healing power on its own. Maybe in the past we’ve taken hugs, kisses, and smiles for granted. It’s only when physical human connection has been restricted that we understand its true power when we receive it.
· Community:
There is such a strong sense of community here. Genuine help and support from a neighbour or a friend is so valuable and it’s offered at the drop of a hat.
We will continue to get through this; we’re at our most powerful when we’re supportive and kind to others, grateful for all that we have and look after ourselves. These things allow the light to shine on times of darkness.